Sunday, August 16, 2009

Connectivism and Learning

How has your network changed the way you learn?

I am not certain that my network has changed the way that I learn so much as defines it. As my mind map reflects, my network is divided into specific categories: work, play, family, friends, learning, and teaching. These are the balance points of my life. There have always been people in my life who have held a greater degree of influence on my views of the world than others. It is to those people I turn to seek guidance and support. My father has taught me self-reliance, self-respect, and responsibility. My colleagues have taught me friendship, collaboration, and partnership. My husband has taught me trust, love, and communication. My children have taught me patience and the joy of play. My friends have taught me to understand and value difference and to find common values that make human interaction worthwhile, namely honor, integrity, and compassion.

Which digital tools best facilitate learning for you?

It is digital tools where I find the greatest changes in my life. I spend most of my day in front of a computer, such that I have grown adept at using all sorts of digital tools. I send and receive hundreds of emails daily through work. I interact with my online learning community here at Walden through email and in my online courses. I use MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint regularly. I conduct conference calls and use WebEx tools to conduct meetings. I find all of these tools help me frame my thoughts and better communicate with the people in my life. The process of writing and communicating helps facilitate my learning by forcing me to articulate and share my thoughts with others. Their responses reshape my own thoughts by helping me refine clarify them.

How do you learn new knowledge when you have questions?

The simplest answer: I ask the people whose opinions I value. I believe learning is an ongoing life process that is not restricted to a classroom. Opportunities for learning life lessons abound in my daily activities. However, I do find that continuing education is one way to focus my efforts while also validating that learning through the attaining of traditional degrees.

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