Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Video Presentation Outline

  • A Brief Description of My Topic: Virtual Gaming in Online Education
  • A Brief History of Second Life
  • Implications in Educations
  • Relationship between Virtual World Games and Second Life
  • A Brief History of Virtual Games
  • Potential Uses of Virtual Worlds and Games in Online Education


  1. Daniel, I was able to attend a workshop at FETC on Second Life and how it can be used in education--fascinating. The two main issues I have with Second Life are the adult content and the system requirements. How would you address these concerns in the school environment?

  2. I have a colleague who teaches criminal justice and uses Second Life to set up a crime scene for students to visit and evaluate. The students love it! He is very creative with the clues he gives for them to figure out. Ginger

  3. Students are playing online through sites like Facebook. Therefore, by creating a learning environment where “learning” is not a word to be feared, it can only generate a more dynamic learning experience.

    Power Up the Game is great example of using gaming to teach science:
